Service Contract Template
Service Name
Service Manager: name
Lifecycle: pick a stage
Evolution: pick a stage
Service Description
write description here
- Brief overview of what the service is
- What the business benefit is
- How the service is used
- How customers engage (eg: On-board / Off-board at a high level)
- What expectations of success and failure a customer can have
- How to get help when the service isn't performing as expected
User Needs
As a User A or User B
I need some activity or thing
so that I can achieve outcome XYZ
- define metrics that show how this outcome is met
- What user needs this services exists to meet (using template above)
- High level, not fine-grained requirements (eg: if you find you’re writing out steps in a process you’re likely going too deep!)
- You don’t need to write out an onboarding / offboarding need.
- If your service meets any targets (eg: availability ≥ 99.999%), write that as a need
- Brainstorm outcome metrics for each need (this feeds into service metrics below).
Service Metrics
- aggregated list of outcome metrics the service reports on
- Metrics that show how the outcomes of each user need are met
- How are costs reported?
- How is consumption measured?
- Add targets only where applicable
Service Dependencies
- list any internal services you need here